The Tulsa office of Titus Hillis is located on the 37th floor of the First Place Tower/ONE Gas building, which is one of the most recognizable buildings of the downtown Tulsa skyline. We are conveniently situated in the heart of downtown Tulsa near restaurants, hotels, and the Federal and State courthouses.

Parking for visitors to our firm is available via parking meters surrounding the First Place Tower or click here to view directions to the parking garage.

The firm provides parking validation for visitors on client-related business.

Hotel Accommodations

There are several hotels within walking distance from our office.

Links of Interest

Tulsa Office

Titus Hillis Reynolds Love
Tulsa Office / First Place Tower
15 East Fifth Street, Suite 3700
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74103
Fax: (918) 587-6822

Claremore Office in the Cherokee Nation

Titus Hillis Reynolds Love
Cherokee Nation / Claremore Office
21150 S. 4175 Road
Claremore, OK 74019
Fax: (918) 587-6822