Tulsa, Oklahoma Professional Malpractice Attorneys with a National Practice Before State and Federal Courts

We represent plaintiffs in professional malpractice lawsuits against physicians, lawyers, and dentists. Our extensive experience and knowledge of the medical, dental, and legal fields allows us to quickly evaluate the claims and accurately assess their potential.

Noteworthy Representations

  • Filed suit against a California dentist following an occlusal equilibration, after which the patient developed Guillain-Barre syndrome.
  • Filed suit against a dentist for neurologically damaging his dental patient by replacing mercury amalgam fillings at the request of the patient, and then, contrary to her express instructions, placing more mercury fillings to restore the same teeth.
  • Filed suit against a local lawyer for failing to timely respond to discovery, resulting in the entry of an order imposing liability against the defendant.

For More Information About Our Professional Malpractice Law Practice

Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, our professional malpractice attorneys practice in state and federal courts throughout much of the U.S. For additional information, we welcome you to contact Titus Hillis.